About Me

Hey! Welcome to my blog!

My name is Hannah. I’m 23 years old and I’m currently working at a mental health hospital as a therapy assistant.

‘Why is your URL HanBanane?’ I hear you ask. Well, my name is Hannah (obviously) and when I was younger I used to be called Hannah banana, as you’d expect. My sister is fluent in French, so thought it would be funny to call me banana in French, hence: banane. Weirdly, this nickname has kind of stuck with a few of my family members and so I thought it would be an appropriate name for my blog!

This blog started out as just a little project of mine – something to do alongside studying for my degrees. I began by writing about how I handled my mental health through university and have loved to blog about mental health ever since!

Let me know if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy my blog!

Hannah x